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Praesent pharetra arcu sit amet rutrum accumsan. Sed et augue dolor. Vestibulum sed facilisis erat. Duis ac placerat felis, non consectetur mauris. Duis et convallis nisl. Etiam non pharetra sapien. Ut porta ac massa ut cursus. Vestibulum sed interdum turpis. Duis sollicitudin bibendum elit eu venenatis. Aliquam nec tellus purus.
When does the Loudoun County Fair take place?
The 2022 Loudoun County Fair will be held July 26th – 30th. Please stay tuned for more information.
How do I buy a ticket for the Loudoun County Fair?
You can purchase tickets at the gate using cash or credit card. Or you can purchase tickets online at this link.
How do I get to the Loudoun County Fairgrounds?
Head over to our Directions page to see a map and get directions from major interstates.
What is there to do at the Loudoun County Fair?
There is a lot to do at the Loudoun County Fair! You won’t see it all in just one day! We have animal shows put on by amazing 4-H members. We have all kinds of goodies to eat. We have a Carnival and daily entertainment! For more specifics check out our Entertainment page and our Schedule page to plan your visit.
Do I have to pay to park?
Yes, it’s only $5 in cash per car to park all week. You can get your parking pass at the front gate.
Can I enter my animal in the animal shows?
No, the animal shows are for qualified 4-H participants only.
Can I enter something I made at home in the Loudoun County Fair?
Yes, you can enter our Sykes Hall contest. For details, click here. We can’t wait to see your photo, art, homemade goodies, and clothing.