General Admission Parking
Upon entering the fairgrounds you will be required to pay a $5 parking fee. Parking attendants will hand you a hang tag, this tag is valid all week long. Please remember the Loudoun County Fair is a non-profit 501(c)3. All proceeds from the fair go back to maintaining the grounds. This is a volunteer-run organization, we appreciate your contribution to the fair and hope you have an amazing time! We have 2 open parking lot areas. Depending on the day and time a specific parking area may not be available. All parking areas are marked and will have parking attendants to help control parking flow. Please follow the parking attendants directions as they point you to the correct location and parking spot.
Handicap Parking
Visitors with handicap permits should park in the designated parking lot by the lower gate. Space is limited. When handicap parking spaces are filled, you will need to park in the general parking areas. Cars occupying spaces in lots designated for disabled visitors must display valid handicap permits, stickers, or plates at all times.
Park and Ride Area
We do offer an area for individuals to drop off and pick up fairgoers. You will come to the main entrance and take a right down the hill to the lower gate. We do ask that you do not park there and wait unless your party is ready to be picked up.
School Bus and Church Bus Parking
Buses will unload at the Upper Gate and be directed to park in the Lower Lot. Passengers will meet their bus in the Lower Lot for departure.