Little Miss Loudoun County Fair Pageant

2025 Date & Location Coming Soon!

Rules and Duties

  1. Each contestant MUST be a resident of Loudoun County.
  2. Each contestant MUST be a member of a Loudoun County 4-H club.
  3. Contestants must be the age of 8 – 11 the day of the contest.
  4. Contestants will be judged on 4-H and Fair involvement, personality, and poise.
  5. Winner is required to carry title of Little Miss Loudoun County Fair in any other events she participates.
  6. Winner must be at the 2024 Fair all week to present awards.
  7. Entries will be limited for safety precautions.

Contest Agenda

INTRODUCTION: Contestants will be introduced using the information provided on the application as they walk across the stage.

ROUND 1 (CASUAL ATTIRE): Contestants will be asked a question about 4H or their animals/project that they are given upon acceptance of application.

ROUND 2 (EVENING ATTIRE): Contestants will be asked a question about the Fair that they are given upon acceptance of application.

** Contestants in this category should wear an age appropriate dress..**


When completing this application, keep in mind that some of information will be read during your introduction in the pageant. Answer all questions in the space provided, the Director reserves the right to edit what is read aloud.