Volunteers & Judges

Interested in helping the Showcase Committee before, during or after the Fair? The Loudoun County Fair is a 100% volunteer-run organization. Without the help of our dedicated volunteers, the Fair would not be possible.
Showcase Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers to help the committee with logistical activities during setup, entry drop off, judging and during Fair week. Volunteer roles include judges’ assistants, exhibit hosts during Fair week, hall setup and teardown. Please sign up here and reach out to blue.ribbon@loudouncountyfair.com with any questions.
Showcase Judges
Judges are needed in all Division classes. Judges should have specific expertise and experience in the category they are judging. Judging takes place on Sunday, July 21 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. If you can volunteer a few hours judging a class or division created by Loudoun’s crafters, hobbyists, artisans, and 4-H youth, please email blue.ribbon@loudcountyfair.com with your area of interest.
Some areas where we especially need judges are:
- Baked Goods
- Food Preservation
- Home Brews and Wines
- Field, Farm & Gardening
- Fiber
- Creative Arts
- Clothing
- Fiber Arts
- Photography
- Fine Arts
- Collections
- Natural Science Displays
- Scrapbooks
- 4-H Project Books